Heartblood World Building 15 – Corim Setting Overview

A Basic Breakdown of the Political System Corim was once a monarchy and the crown still holds onto some institutions, the royal post office, and air force of note. The country is run by an oligarchy – called the high council – made up of ministers, a publicly elected representative of the general public, a…

Some of the Faces of Arcadia

I thought I’d talk a little about a few characters I have made to fill the streets of my cyberpunk setting – Arcadia. The Harlequin The Harlequinn is dangerous merc who is as lethal as they are unpredictable. She uses a bat with neurotoxin laced barbs on it and the symbol for the card suit…

Character Profile: Cindy

Cindy is a character I made for a game of Cyberpunk 2020 a friend is running, the group so far has a pathetic nineteen year old netrunner girl who is having troubles getting over her ex, and a teenage rockerboy who was forgotten by their corpo family. Cindy is a thirty four year old sex…

Character Profile: Aminah ‘Alpha’

Aminah ‘Alpha’ is a recent character. Not made for any particular system or project, but just as a concept with a friend who made her partner in crime – Keiko. Aminah would be called a solo in a Cyberpunk 2077 style setting, they are a gunslinger with a chip on their shoulder. She’s an angry…


I have been thinking a lot about the pitfalls players fall into that make their characters not work well with my games. This was kicked off with the realisation I missed my last blog post and I’ve watched a few videos on this topic that I will discuss further. I’m going to talk about some…

Prepping to play in a reboot

So the Masks game I have been playing in is getting a reboot since due to a lot of things the game was stifling the game masters motivation. So the game is being heavily rebooted with a lot world building changes mainly the dropping of a lot of the ‘hero institutions’ which means no more…

Why I won’t be running long campaigns anymore

I have run a few long games, and tried to run a lot more that fell apart due to scheduling, burnout, people having to move, and a dozen other things. Long campaigns are hard to organise, even more so as my friends and I get older with more responsibilities and less freetime. I love running…

Daisy Chainsaw

So I have been looking at Daisy Chainsaw by Charlotte Laskowski, a hyper violent magical girl ttrpg. It is very different from other things I have run and is over all quite interesting to me, and with my recent exposure to the cognito hazard that is Madoka Magicka I am considering running a Daisy Chainsaw…

I watched Madoka Magicka

There will be spoilers here so be warned. My roommate has been a fan of fucked up magical girl media for a long time and finally got me and my partner to sit down to watch Madoka Magicka. I have…thoughts. She has referred to it as ‘Sad Lesbians the Anime’ and yeah… It was an…

Heartblood World Building 12 – Healing Magic and Disability

So Healing magic is an interesting topic to me, because I hate when healing magic smoothes over everything. You know what? having your leg cut off should be hellish and traumatic, dying shouldn’t be a planned part of battle (Cough D&D 5e), and no healing magic should wipe away the ability for characters to get…