Heartblood World Building 15 – Corim Setting Overview

A Basic Breakdown of the Political System Corim was once a monarchy and the crown still holds onto some institutions, the royal post office, and air force of note. The country is run by an oligarchy – called the high council – made up of ministers, a publicly elected representative of the general public, a…

Some of the Faces of Arcadia

I thought I’d talk a little about a few characters I have made to fill the streets of my cyberpunk setting – Arcadia. The Harlequin The Harlequinn is dangerous merc who is as lethal as they are unpredictable. She uses a bat with neurotoxin laced barbs on it and the symbol for the card suit…

Character Profile: Cindy

Cindy is a character I made for a game of Cyberpunk 2020 a friend is running, the group so far has a pathetic nineteen year old netrunner girl who is having troubles getting over her ex, and a teenage rockerboy who was forgotten by their corpo family. Cindy is a thirty four year old sex…

Heartblood World Building 14 – Dragons

I like the origins of dragons being morality tales about greed and gluttony, the hoarding of wealth and power making you something inhuman, so I have decided to adapt this for my world! People who hoard anything to the detriment of others are often colloquially called dragons as an insult. Actual dragons are rare dangerous…

Character Profile: Aminah ‘Alpha’

Aminah ‘Alpha’ is a recent character. Not made for any particular system or project, but just as a concept with a friend who made her partner in crime – Keiko. Aminah would be called a solo in a Cyberpunk 2077 style setting, they are a gunslinger with a chip on their shoulder. She’s an angry…

Project Artemis – 1

The Vagrant pushed through the debris like a remora looking for scraps from a shark’s meal. The small asymmetric ship gently slid past the larger pieces of debris in the massive ring of it that surrounds the desolate exoplanet below, the massive moon loomed on the other side of the field as they passed between…

The Inquisitor – Ophelia’s Story

The growl of the engine between her thighs died down as the key turned. Ophelia swung her leg off the bike and stretched upward. Her elbows popped as they extended and she felt her fingers crack with a noise like twigs snapping. She shook them loose and pulled her driving goggles down to hang around…


I have been thinking a lot about the pitfalls players fall into that make their characters not work well with my games. This was kicked off with the realisation I missed my last blog post and I’ve watched a few videos on this topic that I will discuss further. I’m going to talk about some…

Lessons from Westmarch

I recently ran a spur of the moment Masks oneshot set in the same setting as my Masks campaign (Forsaken Heroes). I ran it on the other side of the country with the events of the oneshot helping determine certain things that will affect the main game. It was fun, I enjoyed running it, my…

Old Sci-Fi Catharsis Drabble

The stars reflected against the black terminal. Parker lay in bed, her eyes fixed on the small orange digital clock in the corner of the small room. Every second that passed she debated whether it was worth getting out of bed. Her mother would continue to act the same, the day would be the same…